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Syrians are fleeing to Turkey ahead of an expected military assault in Jisr al-Shughour. [AFP: file photo]
Syrians are fleeing to Turkey ahead of an expected military assault in Jisr al-Shughour. [AFP: file photo]
Last Updated: 3 hours 55 minutes ago
The UN Security Council will consider a resolution proposed by European nations condemning the Syrian government's deadly crackdown on opposition protests.

Russia and China have strongly opposed Security Council action on Syria, but Britain's prime minister, David Cameron, has warned countries against turning the resolution down.

"If anyone votes against that resolution or tries to veto it that should be on their conscience," he said.

Britain and France have drawn up a new version of a resolution already sent to other members of the 15-nation council hoping to sway countries that had opposed an older one.

"It has been adapted but it still condemns the violence," said Britain's UN ambassador Mark Lyall Grant.

The resolution calls for vigilance on arms supplies to president Bashar al-Assad's regime, demands Syria's co-operation with a UN Human Rights Council investigation, and calls for the release of prisoners of conscience, said a diplomat on condition of anonymity.

European nations would like to hold a vote within days, according to Portugal's envoy, Jose Filipe Moraes Cabral.

Syrians flee

Hundreds of Syrians are crossing the northern border into Turkey attempting to escape growing violence in their country.

Many say they are fleeing the town of Jisr al-Shughour ahead of an expected military assault after dozens of soldiers were reportedly killed there.

The BBC reports residents who have stayed in the town have set up roadblocks in an attempt to stop security forces from entering.

Turkey says it won't close its doors to those seeking refuge.

One man says he is among hundreds who have crossed the border to escape bloodshed.

"The situation is very tragic in Jisr al-Shughour," he said.

"Now the people are fleeing in hundreds to Turkey. As for the situation now, as I heard, the army is now only 40 kilometres away and preparing to attack the city.

"The families therefore are fleeing in their hundreds out of fear of the brutality of the security forces."
Tags: World News


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