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Miyako, regarded as a model community in preparing for killer waves, now lies in ruins after the March 11 tsunami. [Reuters]

North Asia correspondent Mark Willacy
Last Updated: Fri, 20 May 2011 08:35:00 +1000
With dozens of villages and towns devastated by Japan's tsunami, there is now growing debate about whether to rebuild the flattened communities or move them to higher ground.

One town, regarded as a model community in preparing for such killer waves, now lies in ruins.

Part of Miyako was hit by the largest recorded tsunami - at 38 metres high, it was the size of a 13-storey building. It left hundreds dead and missing.

Further north however, the village of Fudai survived without a single loss of life. It is thanking its "Great Wall" of protection which, while once ridiculed, has proven effective.

In her empty classroom in Miyako, Ruriko Araya plays the piece she was rehearsing with her students when the earthquake struck.

The music teacher was hoping to help her junior high class prepare for their graduation. Instead she had to help save their lives as a tsunami barrelled towards their community. 

"While we were climbing up the hill behind the school we saw great plumes of white smoke from below," she said.

"I was pulling the students up by the hands, while below us there were rooves and cars being washed away."

Like many in Miyako, Ms Araya thought she would be protected from any tsunami by the city's four, 10-metre high sea walls.

Miyako has long been held up as the model for tsunami preparedness, but on March 11, nothing could have stopped the monster waves.

"We don't have a final measurement yet, but we believe the tsunami that hit part of Miyako was 38 metres high," city mayor Masanori Yamamoto said. 

The Taro area of Miyako City has been wiped off the map. All that is left are piles of rubble and bulldozers chewing through the debris.

About 900 people are dead or missing.

Mayor Yamamoto survived, but like thousands of his citizens, his house was swept away.

"I can't believe it ... in an instant the place you were born and raised can be destroyed like this," he said.

In Miyako there is discussion about whether or not to rebuild.

"The town our ancestors built is completely obliterated," mayor Yamamoto said.

"Personally I would like it rebuilt in a higher place so we can live safely as a community for hundreds more years."

Seawall saviour

But this is a tale of two towns. A bit further north of Miyako is the village of Fudai, a place everyone once laughed at.

"I think my predecessor was criticised and ridiculed quite a bit by other communities," Fudai mayor Hiroshi Fukawatari said, as he stood on the village's 15-metre high seawall. 

"They said 'why is such a big wall necessary'," he said. 

"But without this barrier I think half of our community of 3,000 people would have died. We would've been wiped out."

Of course no community coastal community can protect itself from a 38-metre wave, but Fudai made its own luck.

The tsunami that hit here was 14 metres high - a metre short of the seawall.

Fudai is believed to be the only community where no-one was killed.

Eighty-five-year-old Aisa Towa wishes the wall had been around in 1933, when a similar sized tsunami struck the city.

"I lost my parents then," she said.

"I remember my sister and I looked out to sea and we just kept crying. 

"Now that memory from when I was seven is mixed up with this tsunami and I still cry."

But in Fudai this time, there are fewer tears than elsewhere along the coast.

Economic woes

Japan's economy has shrunk by almost double the pace expected, due to the impact of the tsunami and nuclear crisis.

The disaster-hit nation's gross domestic product fell 0.9 per cent in the March quarter, or 3.7 per cent on an annualised basis.

Economists had been forecasting a decline of 0.5 per cent over the first three months of the year.

This was the second straight quarter of contraction and puts Japan back into recession.

Many analysts are predicting the nation's economy to shrink again over the April-June period, as supply chain disruptions and power shortages impact production.
Tags: World News


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