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Several thousand people watched the raising of East Timor's national flag. [ABC]
Liam Cochrane, Dili
Last Updated: 7 hours 52 minutes ago
East Timor is celebrating nine years of independence on Friday as it looks forward to elections and the United Nations withdrawal next year.

Government officials and foreign dignitaries have gathered outside the Government Palace in Dili and East Timor's President Jose Ramos-Horta has handed out medals to local and international achievers.

Among those recognised were about 260 Australian and 70 New Zealand troops who recieved the Timor-Leste Solidarity Medal.

The soldiers are about to return home after an eight-month deployment with the International Stabilisation Force.

Commander of the ISF, Colonel Michael Reilly, says it is a special day for the troops.

"All those returning home can do so in the knowledge that they have served their country with pride and professionalism," he said.

A minute's silence was observed to honour those who died in the resistance against Indonesia's 24-year occupation and several thousand people watched as East Timor's national flag was raised.

Motorcades of Fretilin party supporters have driven through the streets of Dili and a Fretilin rally is expected to take place later on Friday.

Fretilin, which now holds 21 seats in East Timor's parliament, is formerly a resistance movement that pushed for East Timor's independence.
Tags: World News


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