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The report found about more than 20 convicted Indonesian terrorists released from prison have rejoined terror cells, and some have been re-arrested for new terror crimes. [AFP]

Last Updated: 6 hours 44 minutes ago
Indonesia's justice minister has rejected new research by an Australian think-tank which found the country's prisons are incubators for Islamist militancy.

The findings of Jihadists in Jail, a study by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute based on interviews with inmates, echoes earlier research by the International Crisis Group about recidivism by convicted terrorists.

Senior anti-terror police have publicly acknowledged the problem and called for an overhaul of the prison system, but justice and human rights minister Patrialis Akbar told reporters there were no grounds for concern.

"Terrorism is everywhere ... don't believe the research. It is a provocation. Where is the proof?" he said, joking that the claims in the report made him "dizzy".

"As I've said before, in the prisons we give them an understanding that we should love our nation and love our fellow people. Bombing is not jihad. Bombing is murder and it's a criminal act."

He said recidivism was rare and beyond the government's control, contradicting calls from top anti-terror police for major changes to the detention arrangements for convicted terrorists.

Terror study

The Australian study was based on interviews with 33 convicted terrorists in four prisons in Jakarta, Solo, Surabaya and Semarang, including former senior members of the Jemaah Islamiyah regional militant network.

The report's author, former Australian government intelligence analyst Dr Carl Ungerer, told ABC's Lateline program that a group of hardcore jihadis were preparing to leave Indonesian jails over the next 18 months.

Some of them said they would bomb Western targets on their release.

"Several of the men we interviewed hold this view. One of them said to us directly that if he was released from prison today, he would bomb the US embassy tomorrow," he said.

Terror convicts

Indonesian police have complained that terror convicts are jailed together with unsupervised access to mobile phones, allowing them to plot attacks and strengthen extremist networks.

Some are allowed to preach to other inmates in prison, spreading their message of hate against "infidels" and Muslims who reject their demands for an Islamic state in the mainly Muslim country.

Dr Ungerer says prisoners are also contributing to a surge in violent jihadi literature in Indonesia.

"Much of this publishing material is actually being done inside the prisons. There are people, convicted terrorists, who are writing, getting messages out from inside the prison system," he said.

"The growth in the number of websites, chat rooms, social media sites that are being used for the recruitment of individuals is growing exponentially. It's targeted at the young, so we're finding that the next generation are now being exposed to all of this material."

The report found about more than 20 convicted Indonesian terrorists released from prison have rejoined terror cells, and some have been re-arrested for new terror crimes.

"Their time spent in prison has not diluted in any way their sense of wanting to be part of a violent extremist group prepared to kill both Indonesians and Westerners," Dr Ungerer said.
Tags: World News


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