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You Are Here: Home» Korean Stars » 2PM’s Junsu claims Hyorin to be his #1 target rival on ‘Immortal Song’ Published On Saturday, June 25, 2011

2PM’s fine lead vocalist, Junsu was given the opportunity to show off his true talent as a singer. He has chosen to be the new addition to the ‘I’m a Singer‘ Idol edition, of KBS 2TVImmortal Song 2‘.
During an interview which was held on June 21st, just 3 days before 2PM’s comeback, Junsu gave the comment, “When they first asked me to be a part of the show, I was under a lot of pressure. I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to handle both the comeback and the show.” However, Junsu also said, “When I told the members of the situation, they told me that it would be a great opportunity. In the end, I accepted the offer with confidence.

In addition Junsu admitted, “After the first recording, I realized that remaking the song and preparing a performance in accordance with that song all within a week wasn’t easy. The time given was way too short.
Junsu had entered the show carrying concern and pressure; however, he revealed that he has had an epiphany through this opportunity. “Before debuting as the group 2PM, I wanted to become a singer because I loved music. Doing this show, I felt as before and was able to the relive that feeling. I was also able to find my true color.” he also shared, “Remaking various songs of all different genre was a good practice for me as a song writer.
Fellow member Chansung showed his concern while praising Junsu’s passion. He said, “Junsu had to give up sleep in order to practice for his performance on the show even after our comeback practice ended really late. I felt pity towards him when I saw him the next day with severe, zombie-like bags under his eyes.” However, Chan Sung lavished Junsu with compliments and showed support when he stated, “But I see that he is doing something that he is passionate about. I’m always rooting for him. I hope that the results would be good as well.
After the first shoot, Junsu said, “Everyone did so well on their remakes of the songs. I can’t really pick a rival at this point but personally, I think that I should keep my boundary from SISTAR’s Hyorin.” He also added, “I knew Hyorin since before her debut and her singing as well as her performance was remarkable.
2PM is coming back after 8 months with their 2nd Album, ‘Hands Up‘. Junsu actually wrote the song “Hot” in this album proving his potential and ability as a song writer.
Tags: Korean Stars


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