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Dominique Strauss-Kahn quit as managing director of the IMF yesterday. [Reuters]
Last Updated: 3 hours 17 minutes ago
Dominique Strauss-Kahn's departure from the International Monetary Fund has left a power vacuum at a critical time.

The IMF is in the middle of delicate negotiations to bail out Portugal, and is still grappling with the possibility of debt defaults in both Ireland and Greece.

For that reason, the European Commission, together with the German government, have insisted that the top job at the IMF must stay in European hands.

However, critics of the fund's historically undemocratic processes say now is the time to overhaul the leadership .

It is no coincidence that every head of the International Monetary Fund has been European - it was the result of a pact to keep the stewardship of the World Bank in American hands, and the IMF under the guidance of the EU.

So, after the resignation of Frenchman Dominique Strauss-Kahn as managing director of the IMF, it was widely assumed that another European would again seize control of the organisation whose charter it is to maintain global financial stability.

The German chancellor Angela Merkel, whose nation has extended most of the money to bail out Greece, Ireland and Portugal, argued overnight that Europe should continue to maintain authority over the IMF.

"I think in the current situation, considering we are having grave problems with the euro and the fact that the IMF is strongly involved in solving these, there are many arguments for a European candidate," she said.

However, the IMF's former chief economist Simon Johnson says that is flawed logic.

"That is a completely bogus argument. When Argentina was in trouble, did anyone propose the fund should be headed by an Argentine, did anyone put forward a Russian when Russia was in serious trouble, or a Korean when Asia was in trouble? Of course not," he responded.

"In fact, from a point of view of conflict of interest, it is a matter of common sense that you should have someone from a different region representing the world's resources and trying to help countries such as Greece."

He says the European domination has caused perceptions of favouritism about which countries the fund helps, and on what terms.

"From the perspective of emerging markets, there are now two IMF's. One that helps Europe on very favourable conditions, and one that provides assistance to other places such as Pakistan, such as Egypt," he observed.

"You can pick the country, the IMF is very engaged around the world and the conditions on that engagement are nowhere near as favourable in the view of emerging markets as the conditions under which it lends to Europe."

Chinese candidate

However, Simon Johnson says there are problems with candidates from some other countries, such as China which continues to hold its currency's exchange rate at artificially low levels.

"To be honest, I think that will come up in the conversation. I am not sure it is an absolutely deal breaker but it would be something taken into consideration," he added.

"At this moment perhaps it will tilt the playing field against the IMF job but the World Bank job on the other hand could easily go to a Chinese person. It would just depend on the basis of merit."

Acting IMF managing director John Lipsky has this morning confirmed that the new leader will be chosen on merit from among all the 187 countries represented at the IMF.

The lobbying has already begun in Europe to install the popular French finance minister Christine Lagarde into the IMF chair, but with the US and Europe largely considered responsible for the financial crisis, a compromise candidate from another developed country could be the answer.
Tags: World News


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