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You Are Here: Home» World News » Fijian graduates could face travel bans for reneging on loans

Fiji's interim government is considering banning graduates from returning to Fiji if they still owe money on their student loan. [Flickr]
Last Updated: 6 hours 26 minutes ago
Fiji university graduates could face travel bans if they do not pay back their student loans on time.

It is one of a series of new measures that the interim government reportedly plans to implement, to recover almost $US10 million in unpaid student loans.

The University of the South Pacific Students Association says some graduates have been leaving Fiji to work in other countries such as Australia and New Zealand and have reneged on their loans.

The interim government is considering banning these graduates from returning to Fiji if they still owe money.

The Association's general secretary, Akmal Ali, has told Pacific Beat he believes it is a good idea.

"If the Fiji government is trying to actually get these people to do these ethical things, then we are in support of this because ethics begins at home," he said.

He says Fijian students should be grateful to receive an interest free loan from the government.

"You have these graduates, guys who have agreed ... (they) do not actually honour their agreement and kill the chance of anybody else who could come and get educated and get liberated," Mr Ali said.

He says some students do not repay the loan simply because they do not want to.

"They finish their degree, they tend to go for greener pastures in Australia, New Zealand and all the other countries," Mr Ali said.

"The worst thing is it is on the expense of the taxpayers of Fiji that these graduates get a degree and go to another country."
Tags: World News


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