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Australia's opposition parties have called for a new inquiry into immigration detention centres. [ABC]
Australia's opposition parties have called for a new inquiry into immigration detention centres. [ABC]
Last Updated: 10 hours 44 minutes agoThe Australian Greens Party has indicated it is willing to support a federal parliamentary inquiry into the immigration detention network, on condition that it includes an an investigation of mandatory detention.

Opposition MPs will this week move to set up a wide-ranging inquiry to look at issues including the recent violent protests at a number of the centres, and the blowout in the cost of running the detention network.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison says the system needs to be put under more scrutiny.

"With an average of more than three critical incidents being reported every day in the detention network; ranging from self-harm and serious assaults to riots, fires and even deaths," he said.

"The government must now be held to account for the daily failures now occurring in our detention system."
Mr Morrison says the Coalition will be seeking the support of the Greens and independent MPs to establish the committee.

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young says the inquiry needs to focus on the problems with mandatory detention.

"This is a system that needs to be overhauled - we can't just tinker around the edges," she said.

"It is a much needed look into the immigration detention system, but it has to be a thorough look at the problems.

"It hurts people, it drives people to self-destruction and it costs taxpayers an absolute fortune.

"We need to make sure that any inquiry would look at how to get people out of detention, not just find ways to keep them in."

The government has dismissed the opposition's move as a political stunt, with a spokesman for Immigration Minister Chris Bowen saying there are already several reviews into the detention system.

Government frontbencher Simon Crean says the opposition is resorting to scaremongering and sensation.

"My suggestion to the Opposition is rather than call for more sensational inquiries, why don't they get constructively behind developing a solution that works for the future?" he said.

But there is some support inside Labor. Government backbencher Ed Husic says he would be happy to back an inquiry.

"I think that we do need to have this process open," he said.

The inquiry would also look at the government's proposed asylum seeker deal with Malaysia.
Tags: World News


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