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You Are Here: Home» World News » Rubella spreads in Fiji On August 10, 2011

Fiji's rubella outbreak is continuing to spread with 28 cases now confirmed in the greater Suva area. [ABC: file photo]

Fiji's rubella outbreak is continuing to spread with 28 cases now confirmed in the greater Suva area.

It is the first outbreak of the virus in Fiji since 2002 and the majority of cases are men.

The country's vaccination program initally focussed on pregnant women to prevent congenital rubella and was not offered to men.

Fiji's National Adviser for Family Health Francis Bingwor has told Pacific Beat containing the outbreak is no longer their top priority.

decided right at the outset... when you've got the first few cases
confirmed you try to contain the outbreak but now that it's moved out of
its primary area the goal is still the same, the prevention on
congenital rubella syndrome," she said.

"[We are] trying to
minimise the outbreak, yes, but we do expect there will be more cases
coming forward to our health centres and to [doctors]."

Tags: World News


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