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But ex-NoW editor Colin Myler and legal manager Tom Crone said they told him.
Mr Murdoch later said he "stands by his testimony" to the committee on Tuesday.
Mr Watson said he was going to formally bring it to the attention of Deputy Assistant Commissioner Sue Akers, who is leading Operating Weeting, the investigation into phone hacking.
He told the BBC: "This is the most significant moment of two years of investigation into phone hacking."
At the committee hearing on Tuesday, Labour's Tom Watson asked Mr Murdoch: "When you signed off the Taylor payment, did you see or were you made aware of the full email suggesting hacking was more widespread than had been admitted."
Mr Murdoch replied: "No, I was not aware of that at the time".
He went on: "There was every reason to settle the case, given the likelihood of losing the case and given the damages - we had received counsel - that would be levied."
In their statement issued on Thursday Mr Myler and Crone said: "Just by way of clarification relating to Tuesday's CMS select committee hearing, we would like to point out that James Murdoch's recollection of what he was told when agreeing to settle the Gordon Taylor litigation was mistaken.
"In fact, we did inform him of the 'for Neville' email which had been produced to us by Gordon Taylor's lawyers."
In a statement issued by News Corporation, Mr Murdoch said: "I stand by my testimony to the select committee."
Meanwhile, the BBC has learned the FBI plans to contact actor Jude Law following claims his mobile phone was hacked during a visit to the US.
It is alleged a story published by the News of the World in 2003 was based on information obtained from his voicemail which, if proved, could lead to charges in the US because his phone would have been operating on a US network. News International denies the claims.