Norway was hit by twin attacks on Friday that left the nation in profound shock. A massive bomb blast shattered buildings in the capital Oslo, killing at least seven people. Then a gunman rampaged through a youth camp run by the ruling Labour Party, killing 84 people. How did the events unfold?
A massive blast shook the centre of Oslo at 1526 (1326 GMT), blowing out the windows of the prime minister's offices and damaging the finance and oil ministries. The boom could be heard across the city. The area targeted is the heart of the Labour Party government.
Witnesses described a scene like a war zone, with people walking dazed through streets strewn with rubble. A huge dust cloud enveloped the city centre as police cordoned off the area and evacuated buildings.
Ambulances rushed dozens of injured to hospital and at least seven people were killed in the blast. Hours later teams were still searching the damaged buildings for any more victims.
NRK television later showed video of a blackened car at the scene, and the blast was believed to have been caused by a car bomb. On Saturday it was identified as a fertiliser bomb, like the one that destroyed a federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995.
Although Norway has a reputation for tranquillity it has deployed troops in Afghanistan as a Nato member. A Norwegian newspaper with offices in the targeted area was also linked to the furore over Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. There were threats against Norway from some Islamist militants last year and initial speculation focused on the al-Qaeda network.
But an hour or two later on Friday reports came in of a shooting incident at an island youth camp run by the Labour Party.
Police disguise Twitter messages spoke of a gunman dressed as a policeman shooting teenagers at the camp on Utoeya island, about 35km (20 miles) north-west of Oslo. Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg was scheduled to speak there on Saturday.
On Friday night police said about 10 had been killed at the forested camp, but some survivors told the BBC and other media that the toll was higher.
Eyewitnesses described chaotic scenes as teenagers fled from the gunman, some plunging into the water to swim to safety. Others hid in the undergrowth, cowering in fear.
Some said the gunman, posing as a policeman, had called victims to him before killing them. On the ferry that took him to the island he reportedly told people that he was on a security mission after the Oslo bomb blast.
Police firearms teams eventually got to the island and the gunman was arrested.
Police said the gunman used automatic weapons and handguns, and that at least one unexploded device was found at the youth camp.
It was not known if the gunman had been operating alone.
Norwegian media identified the man as Anders Behring Breivik, 32. Police charged him for the island massacre and the Oslo bomb blast.
Police said the man was answering questions and they described him as a right-wing Christian fundamentalist.
On Saturday police continued combing the island as a number of teenagers were still missing, feared dead.
Breivik bought six tonnes of fertiliser in May, a farm supplier said as the investigation gathered pace. According to Norwegian TV, he had established a farm called Breivik Geofarm, which would explain how he got hold of the fertiliser used for the bomb.